Scandal in the Batcave

I'm Robin, you know, from Batman and Robin. Batman may be cute, but he ain't the only gay superhero around here. *wink* This is my online journal. ...when Batman is away, Robin plays! Read on to find out what being Robin is all about in today's gay world!

Friday, July 15, 2005

Introducing Robin

I am Robin.
(...okay, I am not REALLY Robin, but I like to think I am.)

This blog is all about what Robin would be like if I WERE him.
It is about things like:
  • Gotham City and the traffic,
  • the musty smell in the Batcave,
  • commissioner Gordon and him going senile,
  • the times the Batmobile breaks down
  • and the times when Batman and I get it on when Alfred isn't looking.
The truth is I am a character.
No, I mean REALLY - not just another funny guy, I am a freakin' fictional character.
...but that doesn't mean I don't go through ups and downs too.
I mean, Wonder Woman gets all the attention these days.
It's all about being "retro".
Well, listen here, Robin isn't called "Boy Wonder" for nothing.
I am about to get my justice. (Don't tell the League I said that...)

I can't update every day, but trust me, when I can nab the bat computer and stop staring at Batman's tool belt, I'll get a entry up here and there.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and play along with me.
Batman went to the store to get a new batcamera, so we may be able to have some photos up later, but until then, here's to a new batblog.